Tuesday, April 10, 2018

See This Optical Illusion Wipe Itself Out Right Before Your Eyes

[Click here to view the video in this article]

Video screenshot via pimpnprofits

If too much time on the internet hasn’t taught you by now, your eyes can truly play tricks on you.

Another trippy visual illustration has surfaced on Reddit, and it seems to be straining people’s brains just as much as their eyes.

This picture will fade away if you stare at it (may take a minute) from

In spite of how colorful it is, the blurry image seems to disappear the longer you stare at it.

The trick isn’t exactly new—similar images have been fooling humans since 1804. Coined ‘Troxler’s fading’ by Swiss physician Ignaz Paul Vital Troxler, the phenomenon involves a person gazing intently at a single element in a blurry picture, causing surrounding imagery to “disappear.”

The effect comes into play because your brain can only take in so much information at one time. Just like the way a camera fixates on singular objects, your mind might fade out background elements that you aren’t looking at or mesh them together with surrounding stimuli.

Here’s another chilling ‘Troxler’s fading’ illusion that proves things aren’t always what they appear to be. Simply stare at the dot in the middle and watch everything else vanish.

If only your troubles could dissipate just as easily.

[via r/woahdude, video and cover screenshot via pimpnprofits]

from TAXI Daily News https://ift.tt/2qjFYUo

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